Saturday, March 20, 2010

The prayers of the Saints....

I am so grateful, and becoming more and more grateful, for the prayers of those who have gone before us in this pilgrimage. This Easter I will be in an Episcopal church in West Chicago and my understanding from my brother is that it will present to me something I have never experienced and something I will never want to miss again. They seem to celebrate the resurrection in a way very few churches do. But what has really impressed me over the last few years are the prayers and readings from the liturgical church. I was able to find a book recommended to me called Luther's Prayers. I want to type on here one that has meant much to my soul. It is one that reminds me of God's enormous power to overcome anything and provide supernatural strength, it peaks of His forgiveness that is undeserved and deeply healing, and at the same time it normalizes know that Martin Luther spoke these words, means I am not alone.

Dear Lord Jesus Christ, I feel my sins. They bite and gnaw and frighten me. Where shall I go? I look to you, Lord Jesus, and believe in you. Although my faith is weak, I cling to you and am made sure, for you have promised: who believes in me shall have eternal life. Even if my conscience is troubled and my sins frighten me and make me tremble, you have still said: "My son, be of good cheer; your sins are forgiven you. I will raise you up on the last day, and you will have eternal life." I cannot help myself by my own strength. I come to you for help. Amen

I could reread this daily. We are all in this war over sin. Thank the Lord for His resurrection that we soon celebrate again!

1 comment:

Erin said...

thanks for sharing this d!