Tuesday, April 20, 2010

A Blessing....

I was able to participate in an Easter Vigil this year in Chicago with my brother and his family. I cannot describe this experience, it was a service that went almost 5 hours and I will say it never felt like it went too long. In a beautiful and creative manner, the service took us from Creation to the flood, to Isaac and Abraham, to the prophets speaking of the Shepherd and giving us a new heart and the coming of a Savior...it was in so many ways the most I have ever seen any people celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. The Anglican Liturgy calls for "A Holy Noise" which was to take the word "Alleluia" and reinstate it after removing it for the season of Lent. The Priest yelled out "Alleluia!" at the top of his lungs...dancing, celebrating and screaming out in loud song! Jesus is risen! He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

So, here is a part of the liturgy that we read towards the end of the service...and If I find time I will write about the entire experience...but this humbled me and reminded me of the power of the cross that really does change us and free us....

(Extend your hands toward the cross)
Celebrant: All our problems of this life on earth...

All: We send to the Cross of Christ...

Celebrant: All the difficulties of our circumstances...

All: We send to the Cross of Christ.

All the devil's work from his temporal power...

We send to the Cross of Christ.

(Life your hands up to the Lord)

Celebrant: All our hopes for wholeness and eternal life...

All: We set on the Risen Christ.

Celebrant: Christ the Sun of Righteousness shine upon you and scatter the darkness from before your path, and the blessings of God Almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, be among you and remain with you always.

All: Amen

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