Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Anne Lamott...one of my all-time favorite authors, describes her style of writing and reflects a little bit of herself. If you have not read Traveling Mercies, read it...it is raw and exactly what we are all dying for in a way. And one thing I love the most is that she describes Jesus as a stray cat, who, if she lets him in, will never go away. True, isn't it?

"I'm not laying a heavy 'Come to Jesus' trip on my readers," she says, "but I'm hoping to sow a seed." She would like readers to conclude: "Lamott seems pretty awful, she's made some pretty big mistakes -- yet she believes God loves her in exactly the shape she's in."

And it's the same way for you...and me. I am lovable in this shape. Hard to imagine. But very, very true.

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