Sunday, May 14, 2006

Help Me! Save me from myself...

Ever feel like this little piece of toast...the burnt one I mean? When my friend Lisa (some know her as Faye) sent me this picture, I immediately saw myself as this little burnt toast. I said to the kids I teach, "Did you know that Jesus is just like toast?" Of course, they were not sure how to even answer...but that's the goal with Christian school kids who seem to know all the answers, but don't really get it. Stump em' now and again, that's the key, get them to think . I have recently read a portion from Brennan Manning's new book, from which I got my blog title, called The Importance of Being Foolish. In the third chapter he addresses the fetter of security that binds us and holds us captive. In reading this I came to realize, "this is my stronghold!" This is what keeps me living "half." Manning says this in his book, "Living dependent on 'security' defeats carefree trust in God's wisdom and love, hurts interpersonal relationships, thwarts ongoing community renewal and Christian reunion, and handicaps the serious Christian who seeks to have the mind of Christ." We depend more on the responses of God to our pleas than we do God Himself. And our lives become a roller-coaster of emotions and trust (or seeming trust). Honestly, it is overwhelming how my responses to people and circumstances all go back to trying to secure myself! I get mad when someone threatens it or when a situation doesn't work out in a way that keeps me feeling secure. So...I am a little burnt piece of toast. Weak, needy and scarred up. And only One can rescue me. Only One can pick me back up and save me from my self-inflicted wounds. Jesus, quietly and faithfully, drags me to a safe place along side of Him. So in a new way, I do see Him as the Living Bread that really does fill and satisfy. And I humbly submit, although still fighting now and again, knowing that He is the only One who can free me from myself.

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